Built on the project of Giulio Ulisse Arata (1881-1962), it is set on the remains of the ancient patrician dwelling of the Rasponi family dating back to the 17th century. The style is neoromantic with echoes from the Byzantine tradition. It has a portico onto which the main entrance opens and it is made up of four structures arranged around a garden. Inside there are wall paintings by Antonio Morocutti (1891-1971) and Giovanni Majoli (1893-1988). The so called “Rasponi crypt”, the marvelous garden and the Neo-Gothic tower is what remains of the ancient building.
View of the building as it appeared in the 1936-1937 ca. after the erection of the INA building and the creation of the Piazza del Littorio (now piazza dei Caduti per la Libertà) – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
The portico in Piazza San Francesco; in the foreground the atrium entrance of honor to the palace – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
The eastern arch of the hall of honor with the initial steps of the grand staircase – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
The archway of the hall of honor – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
The waiting room on the second floor – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Portrait of Ferdinando Rasponi – Ravenna la città dei Rasponi – Angelo Longo Editore – Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Portrait of Gertrude Rasponi – Ravenna la città dei Rasponi – Angelo Longo Editore – Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Council Room; in the front wall, the arms of the Municipalities of the Province – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Council Room; the coffered vault surrounded by lunettes decorated – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Hall of the President with the paintings of Giovanni Maioli e Antonio Morocutti; allegory of Ravenna – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Internal courtyard: northern body of Palazzo Arata, Neo-Gothic tower of Rasponi and bell tower of San Francesco – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Historical picture of the Palace Rasponi courtyard at the end of nineteenth century; in the foreground the Neo-Gothic tower – Ravenna la città dei Rasponi – Angelo Longo Editore – Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
The marble herm in the garden
The Rasponi crypt – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna
Rasponi crypt: mosaic floor, probably from the Basilica of San Severo in Classe – Courtesy of the Public Relations Service of the Province of Ravenna