The basilica was built during the 16th century, on the project of Bernardino Tavella (16th century) for the Lateran canons. The facade, in Istria Stone was modified in neoclassical style in the second half of the 18th century on the project of Camillo Morigia (1743-1795). The inside is divided into three naves with transept surmounted by a high cupola. The “Greek Madonna” a marble bas-relief datable to the 11th and 12th century representing a praying Virgin Mary is venerated. It is said that it arrived to Ravenna miraculously from Constantinople in 1100.
Current facade of the Basilica di Santa Maria in Porto
Current facade of the Basilica di Santa Maria in Porto
The facade of Santa Maria in Porto design by Camillo Morigia – Archivi fotografici Istituzione Biblioteca Classense, Ravenna
The interior of the Basilica
The apse with the main altar
The urn containing the mortal remains of St Paul the Hermit (Patriarch of the Order of the Monks of Paul), underneath the main altar
The Chapel of the Greek Virgin, in the left transept
The altar of the Greek Virgin
The marble bas-relief of the Greek Virgin
Giovanni Battista Barbiani. St Carlo Borromeo in prayer – Oil on canvas 250×170 – (I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore) – Left-hand side of the nave
Crucifix, anonymous (XV century) – Left-hand side of the nave
Giovanni Barbiani. Santa Monica prayng between four saints – Oil on canvas 280×190 – (I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore) – Left-hand side of the nave
Policrom frontal piece – Left-hand side of the nave
Andrea Barbiani. The Virgin and Child with Saints Domenico and Caterina da Siena – Oil on canvas 213×155 – (I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore) – Left-hand side of the nave
Andrea Barbiani. St Ubaldo releases a possessed – Oil on canvas 296×202 – (I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore) – Right-hand side of the nave
Francesco Longhi. Our Lady of the Assumption and the Saints – Oil on canvas 305 x 205 – (I Longhi – Angelo Longo Editore) – Right-hand side of the nave