It was built in the 5th century at the times of bishop Pietro II (494-519 A.D). Outside, the ancient quadri-portico was substituted by a circular bell tower in the 15th century. During restorations at the beginning of the 20th century, carried out by the Superintendent of Monuments of Emilia Romagna Giuseppe Gerola (1877-1938), all the Baroque additions were demolished and the small portico and two mullioned window were added to the facade. The inside has three naves with Corinthian columns and capitals of the 6th century. The painting is by Luca Longhi (1507-1580) and it represents Saint Agatha between Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Cecilia.
The facade in 1915-20 ca – Foto Fratelli Alinari Firenze
The current interior of the church
The interior of the church in 1915-20 ca – Foto Fratelli Alinari Firenze
Interior of the church – detail, the ambo in the left nave
St Agata between the Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Cecilia,1546 (Luca Longhi, 1507-80) – Oil on canvas 175×150 – I Longhi – Angelo Longo Editore (at the end of the right nave)
St Lucia and Sta Apollonia (Andrea Barbiani, 1708-79) – Oil on canvas 250×153 – I Barbiani – Anglo Longo Editore (at the end of the left nave)
Enthroned Madonna and Child with Saints Peter and Mary Magdalene (Giovanni Battista Barbiani, 1593-1650) – Oil on canvas 215×140 – I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore (left nave)
St. Joseph the Carpenter – Oil on canvas 205×134 (Giovanni Barbiani, 1566-1641) – I Barbiani – Angelo Longo Editore (left nave)